Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Web banner for Partner lead generation with white paper call to action landing page.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Web banner for Partner lead generation with white paper call to action landing page.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Front server specific product sell sheet.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Back/2nd scroll panel server specific product sell sheet.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Segmented event and conference banner and backdrop system,

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Front Partner reseller acquisition sell sheet.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Back Partner reseller acquisition sell sheet.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Single side digital and print cloud backup product competitive analysis for B2B channel corporate sales teams.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Single side digital and print cloud backup product case study for B2B channel corporate sales teams.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand eco- system design systems. Lead nurturing web banner buy message testing. B2B leads funneled to ecomm direct purchase on new corporate buy site.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system. Single side digital and print cloud backup product competitive analysis for B2B channel corporate sales teams.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system design. Single side print cloud backup product hand out for corporate event sales teams for B2B direct buyer prospects.

Launch new 2015 B2B channel messaging platform and brand visual design eco- system design. Channel marketing web site design, write for B2B Carbonite authorized Partner reseller. Target audience PC Connection brand site visitors. Objective sell B2B direct buyers Carbonite cloud backup solutions.

Two sided digital and print cloud backup product sell sheet. B2B channel Partner reseller co-branded for direct buyer/end user segment.
North America lead generation campaign for business partners as DR, seminars, print & email.
Seminar lead generation B2B print campaign.
Business partner B2B sales & seminar collateral campaign theme & creative.
Corporate sales print booklet collateral for business partner seminars.
Global sales incentive enrollment kit program identity, name, email & micro site.
Sales lead generation theme as collateral, web site & high impact personalized, segemented market dimensional.
Corprate sales print booklet collateral & DM.
Product demo kit
CLOSED: B2B sales generation kit segmented and personailzed by executive title.
OPEN: B2B sales generation kit segmented & personalized by executive title.
UK software provider. USA product launch for "branding" B2B software as theme, print, web banners & DM.
Seminar B2B invite lead generation as html email & reply form.
High impact lead generation as overnight delvered custom box with personalized recorded message, letter & product collateral.
International seminar series as packaging, email, web banner adv & experiential.
New product launch web banners, DM, print, seminar experIential & collateral.
National rebrand to both B2B & B2C targets deployed over 300+ USA colleges as POS, DM, web site, banner adv & eperiential.
DM, Email and event lead qualification.

Channel solution selling digital guide.

Digital and print vertical sell sheet 1 of 4 series.

Digital and print vertical sell sheet 2 of 4 series.

Digital and print vertical sell sheet 3 of 4 series.

Digital and print vertical sell sheet 4 of 4 series.